Questões de Inglês - Artigos | Articles para Concurso

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Q2170183 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa incorreta quanto ao uso de artigos definidos e indefinido: 
Q2166442 Inglês
Consider weather the gaps in the following sentences should be filled with 1 – a, 2 – an, 3 – the, or 4 – no article: •   They would like to visit __ Metropolitan Museum when we go to New York. •   Kathy is in __ high school, so she has some time to think about what to study next. •   I don’t have __ cat, you must have seen __ neighbor’s. •   That day we saw __ man who looked like Johnny Depp.
Mark the alternative that fills in, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above:
Q2163881 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

The article was correctly used in the sentence “Online translators have been an useful tool for students”.
Q2163868 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

In the sentence “She was born in the Netherlands”, the use of the article is correct.
Q2110020 Inglês
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the question.

Watch your back! Idioms with the word ‘back’ 

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Choose the alternative that best fills the blanks in lines 01 and 02 (two occurences), respectively. Consider the en dash (–) if no article is necessary. 
21: D
22: A
23: E
24: C
25: A