Questões de Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects para Concurso

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Q2392985 Inglês
Correction of students’ work constitutes a relevant part of teaching-learning process. Given that, understanding the nature of students’ incorrect language productions is key to effective correction. Assuming the sentences in the box below are productions from Brazilian students, check the alternative which labels the presented language problems accordingly.

I have 12 years old. - I goed to school yesterday. - I am with a headache. - She work in the morning.
Q2392984 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the correct phonemic transcription of the final –ed sounds of the sequence of regular verbs presented below:

Corrected – worked – seemed – studied
Q2392983 Inglês
Check the alternative that corresponds to the phonemic transcription of the words below.

Sheep –ship – Cheap – Chip
Q2392982 Inglês

The vowel sounds present in the words below correspond to the minimal pair:

Heat – hit 

Q2392611 Inglês
According to Capitalization Rules in English, the normatively correct sentence is.
11: A
12: C
13: B
14: A
15: C