Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso

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Q2490797 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process. 

Drafting is the most important stage of the writing process because it is when writers actually write the text.

Q2490796 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Language reflects cultural nuances, with unique expressions and idioms shaping the way individuals within a society communicate and convey meaning. 

Q2490795 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Societal structures often influence language evolution, as languages adapt to reflect changes in power dynamics, social roles, and technological advancements. 

Q2490794 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

In every culture, language works as an absolute determinant of societal norms and values, leaving no room for variation or interpretation. 

Q2490793 Inglês

Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below. 

Cross-cultural communication may face challenges due to linguistic and cultural differences, highlighting the interconnected nature of language, culture, and societal interactions. 

11: E
12: C
13: C
14: E
15: C