Questões de Inglês - Presente progressivo | Present continuous para Concurso

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Q2469106 Inglês


  (with adaptations).

According to the text and general English knowledge answer the item.

The words “receiving” (line 7), “seeing” (line 7) and “having” (line 8) are examples of the present continuous or present progressive tense.

Q2410565 Inglês


O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 01 a 08.



(1º§) Around one in three cases of the most common cancers could be prevented by eating a healthy diet, keeping to a healthy weight and being more active, according to Macmillan Cancer Support.

(2º§) The following factors are asked about in the quiz.


(3º§) At the top of the risk factor list, the WCRF says "not smoking is the best way to protect yourself from cancer".


(4º§) "Being a healthy weight is one of the most important ways ____ protect yourself against 12 types of cancer," the WCRF says. This includes bowel, kidney, womb and oesophagus cancer.


(5º§) There is a reason exercise is encouraged - and not to just look fit.

(6º§) The WCRF says: "Being moderately active for at least 150 minutes or vigorously active for at least 75 minutes a week helps protect against three types of cancer. "Doing 45-60 minutes of moderate activity a day increases the benefit even more."

Fruit and veg

(7º§) You should aim to eat five portions of fruit and five of veg every day. "Fruit and vegetables can protect against cancers of the mouth and throat and digestive tract," WCRF says.


(8º§) Wholegrain versions of carbohydrates not only help you keep a healthy weight, but have also been shown to reduce the risk of bowel cancer, the WCRF says. Generally it's important to eat a balanced diet as a way to prevent cancer.

Sugary drinks

(9º§) How many sugary drinks do you drink a week? This includes fizzy drinks, sugar-sweetened tea and coffee and squash. "Limiting sugar-sweetened drinks helps to prevent weight gain, which reduces your cancer risk," the WCRF says.

High fat and sugar foods

(10º§) Similarly to sugary drinks, consuming too much junk food will lead to weight gain - and weight gain is an independent cancer risk factor.

(11º§) It doesn't mean you can never have your favourite chocolate bar, cake or crisps. But it's about simple daily swaps. The WCRF suggests swapping a whole chocolate bar for a small piece of chocolate and a piece of fruit, for example.

Red and processed meats

(12º§) A diet abundant in red meat, like beef, lamb and pork, should be avoided. Similarly processed meats, such as bacon, sausages and ham, shouldn't be consumed ____ much. Both are linked to bowel cancer risk.

(13º§) "Limiting your intake [of red meat] to no more than three portions a week (350-500g cooked weight) can protect against bowel cancer," the WCRF says.


(14º§) The best way to avoid this risk would be to stop drinking at all.

(15º§) But if you do like a tipple, stick to the guidelines of no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to around four to five pints of beer or large glasses of wine.

Sun exposure

(16º§) Do you go the extra measure to protect yourself ____ the sun?

(17º§) We're talking suncream used regularly, avoiding the sun between 11am and 3pm, wearing a hat and sunglasses and avoiding sunbeds. "By not using sun beds and protecting yourself from sun exposure, you'll reduce your risk of skin cancers," the WCRF says.

"We're talking suncream used regularly [...]. " (17º§)

Which verb tense the sentence above is?

Q2342558 Inglês
Which sentence is in the Present Continuous tense?
Q2320149 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences below:

I. “What will you have been doing?” is in the simple future and future perfect tense.
II. “I was studying English when you called yesteday” is in the past continuous.
III. “She wrote last night” is in simple past.
IV. “Have they ever been abroad?” is in the past perfect.
V. “What are you doing now?” is in the present continuous.

Which ones are correct?
Q2320145 Inglês
Text 1

Mental Health Conditions

Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness. Many factors contribute to mental health conditions, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, such as trauma or abuse and family history of mental health problems.

Tips for Living Well with a Mental Health Condition

Having a mental health condition can make it a struggle to work, keep up with school, stick to a regular schedule, have healthy relationships, socialize, maintain hygiene, and more. However, with early and consistent treatment—often a combination of medication and psychotherapy—it is possible to manage these conditions, overcome challenges, and lead a meaningful, productive life. Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals. Some of these tips, tools and strategies include:

• Stick to a treatment plan. Even if you feel better, don’t stop going to therapy or taking medication without a doctor’s guidance. Work with a doctor to safely adjust doses or medication if needed to continue a treatment plan.

• Keep your primary care physician updated. Primary care physicians are an important part of long-term management, even if you also see a psychiatrist.

• Learn about the condition. Being educated can help you stick to your treatment plan. Education can also help your loved ones be more supportive and compassionate.

• Practice good self-care. Control stress with activities such as meditation or tai-chi; eat healthy and exercise; and get enough sleep.

• Reach out to family and friends. Maintaining relationships with others is important. In times of crisis or rough spells, reach out to them for support and help.

• Develop coping skills. Establishing healthy coping skills can help people deal with stress easier.

• Get enough sleep. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health. Consistently poor sleep is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Available in:<>
Analyze the sentences:

I - “Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior.”

II - "According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness."
1: E
2: B
3: C
4: B
5: B