Questões de Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun para Concurso

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Q1866957 Inglês

Observe as sentenças a seguir:

I - For now on you have your own bedroom.

II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.

III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

Q1854091 Inglês
    The history of language study illustrates widely divergent attitudes concerning the relationship between writing and speech. Written language was the medium of literature, and, thus, a source of standards of linguistic excellence. It was felt to provide language with permanence and authority. The rules of grammar were, accordingly, illustrated exclusively from written texts.
    The everyday spoken language, by contrast, was ignored or condemned as an object unworthy of study, demonstrating only lack of care and organization. It was said to have no rules, and speakers were left under the illusion that, in order to “speak properly”, it was necessary to follow the “correct” norms, as laid down in the recognized grammar books and manuals of written style.
    There was sporadic criticism of this viewpoint throughout the 19th century, but it was not until the 20th century that an alternative approach became widespread. This approach pointed out that speech is many thousands of years older than writing; that it develops naturally in children (whereas writing has to be artificially taught); and that writing systems are derivative — mostly based on sounds of speech.

D. Crystal. How Language Works. London: Penguin Books, 2006 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the first paragraph, the word “It” (third sentence) refers to “a source of standards” (second sentence).

Q1791834 Inglês

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text and considering the grammatical aspects of the English Language, judge the item.

“it” (line 13) refers to “Ferranti Mark 1” (lines 13 and 14).
Q1694820 Inglês
Involve local groups in protecting biodiversity, conservationists urge Edinburgh declaration calls on leaders to work far more closely with communities Severin Carrell Scotland editor @severincarrell

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Available at:<> . Access on: 31st, Aug. 2020.

Analyze the sentences extracted from the article, then choose the alternative that best explains the underlined elements, respectively.
i. […] that’s how we’re going to meet those targets. (line 12) ii. These are chiefly focused on scientific, policymaking and political capacity […] (line 35)
Q1620940 Inglês

Look at the picture. Based on what you can see, choose the CORRECT answer.

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“_________ is our school.” 

6: B
7: E
8: E
9: C
10: B