Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Ouro Verde - SP 2018 para Professor de Ensino Fundamental II - Inglês

Foram encontradas 6 questões

Q1627572 Inglês

Choose the best answer to the question below.

Did Andrea bring home the new magazines or that old ones?”

Q1627574 Inglês

Find the best sequence to the following dialog.

What would you rather do this afternoon?”

Q1627575 Inglês

Read the sentence and answer.

Amanda was going to work.”

We can assume that

Q1627577 Inglês
Read the following statement and choose the correct alternative.
Britney used to buy socks everyday when she was a teen.
We can say that:
Q1627578 Inglês
Mark the most appropriate alternative to answer the following question.
How many times a year does she come here?”
1: A
2: A
3: B
4: C
5: D