Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Ouro Verde - SP 2018 para Professor de Ensino Fundamental II - Inglês

Foram encontradas 8 questões

Q1627571 Inglês

If we rewrite the sentence below in the Simple Future we’ll have:

According to Natasha, she has to move to a new house.”

Q1627576 Inglês

Find the alternative that best completes the blank.

Miley dreams about ______ a doctor.

Q1627580 Inglês

Mark the alternative that completes the blanks.

Nicki _____ already _____ the truth when you saw her at the meeting.

Q1627581 Inglês

Mark the alternative that best completes the sentence.

Beyoncé said she didn't _______ the warning.”

Q1627582 Inglês
Find the alternative that shows a present perfect tense.
1: D
2: D
3: C
4: B
5: A