Questões de Vestibular de Inglês - Passado simples | Simple past

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Ano: 2017 Banca: UPENET/IAUPE Órgão: UPE Prova: UPENET/IAUPE - 2017 - UPE - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1395941 Inglês

Texto 1

US President Donald Trump has defended his use of social media in a series of tweets, following a row over comments he made about two MSNBC TV presenters.

"My use of social media is not presidential – it's modern day presidential," he tweeted on Saturday.

His tweets are condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike, despite the White House springing to his defence.

Mr Trump's aides have previously expressed concern over his tweets.

But the president said on Saturday that social media gave him the opportunity to connect directly to the public, bypassing the mainstream media, whose content Mr Trump regularly labels as "fake news".

"The FAKE & FRAUDULENT NEWS MEDIA is working hard to convince Republicans and others I should not use social media," he tweeted, adding: "But remember, I won the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media."

Mr Trump also stepped up his attack on CNN after the US news network retracted an article alleging that one of the president's aides was under investigation by Congress.

"I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!"

The story that caused the upset, which was later removed from the website following an internal investigation, resulted in the resignations of three CNN journalists: Thomas Frank, investigative unit editor and Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Lictblau and Lex Harris, who oversaw the investigations unit.

Disponível em: 

Considere a análise linguística elaborada para o texto 1 e assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2019 Banca: UNIMONTES Órgão: Unimontes - MG Prova: UNIMONTES - 2019 - Unimontes - MG - Vestibular - PAES - Primeira Etapa |
Q1370065 Inglês


Mass migrations have marked the history of the human race ever since people began to dream of a better life 

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 7 out. 2019. Adaptado.

A única alternativa cuja forma verbal NÃO expressa um fato ocorrido no passado é:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UEFS Órgão: UEFS Prova: UEFS - 2011 - UEFS - Vestibular Segundo Semestre - Dia 1 - Inglês |
Q1365140 Inglês

OXENDEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina American English File, MultiPack 4A, 2010. p.51

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Ano: 2013 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2013 - UEM - Vestibular - Etapa 2 - Inglês |
Q1362931 Inglês

(Disponível em <>. Acesso em 10/06/2013.)
Choose the correct alternative, according to text.

The verbs “begins” (line 3), “is” (line 6) and “fails” (line 10) are all in the simple present tense.
Ano: 2008 Banca: UNIR Órgão: UNIR Prova: UNIR - 2008 - UNIR - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q1353993 Inglês
Strategic Spending on Organic Foods

Sweet bell peppers are among the vegetables high in pesticides. (Richard Drew/Associated Press)

(Extraído de Acesso em 14/09/2008.)

A coluna da esquerda apresenta formas verbais utilizadas no texto e a da direita, os tempos correspondentes. Numere a coluna da direita de acordo com a da esquerda.

1 – was reading (linha 1)

2 – reminded me of (linha 1)

3 – is going to be (linha 12)

4 – there is (linha 4)

( ) Immediate Future

( ) Present Simple

( ) Past Continuous
( ) Past Simple

Assinale a seqüência correta.

11: D
12: D
13: B
14: C
15: C