Questões de Vestibular PUC - Campinas 2015 para Vestibular

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Ano: 2015 Banca: PUC - Campinas Órgão: PUC - Campinas Prova: PUC - Campinas - 2015 - PUC - Campinas - Vestibular |
Q548448 Inglês
According to the text,
Ano: 2015 Banca: PUC - Campinas Órgão: PUC - Campinas Prova: PUC - Campinas - 2015 - PUC - Campinas - Vestibular |
Q548451 Inglês
The following sentences use the words ‘vocation’ and ‘talent’. In which of them does the word combine with an area that is not mentioned in the main text:
Ano: 2015 Banca: PUC - Campinas Órgão: PUC - Campinas Prova: PUC - Campinas - 2015 - PUC - Campinas - Vestibular |
Q548459 Inglês

Machiavellianism" is a ...... used negative term to characterize unscrupulous politicians of the sort Machiavelli described in The Prince. The book itself gained enormous notoriety and wide readership because most readers assumed the author was teaching and endorsing evil and immoral behavior. Because of this, the term "Machiavellian" is often associated with deceit, deviousness, ambition, and brutality. However that was Machiavelli's stylistic device to gain the reader's attention for his close analysis of the actual techniques used by rulers.

(Adapted from: B2_Machiavelli)

Machiavelli’s actual purpose in writing The Prince was to

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2: A
3: A