Questões Militares de Inglês - Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund

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Q572925 Inglês
Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?
                                                How to Become a Pro Gamer
Easy to understand, that is. ________ for a living isn't all fun and games. It takes time, skill and determination ________ in today's competitive circuits. If you're up for the challenge, here's what you need to do.
(Adapted frora„gravity&v=3)
Q572917 Inglês
When a major International software developer needed _______ a new product quickly, the project manager assembled a team of employees from índia and the United States. From the start the team members could ________ on a delivery date for the product. The Americans thought the work could be done in two weeks; the Indians predicted two to three months. As time went on, the Indian team members proved reluctant ________ setbacks in the production process, which the American team members would find out about only when work was due to be passed to them.

(Adapted from https://hbr,org/2006/ll/managing-multicultural-teams)
Which is the correct option to complete this paragraph from an article on Managing Multicultural Teams?
Q545973 Inglês
Assinale a opção em que o termo em negrito apresenta função gramatical diferente das demais.
Q545958 Inglês

Na questão, encontra-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está incorreto.

The spreading branches of the tree swayed in the breeze. In the distance, I heard a barked dog.

Q545480 Inglês
A pergunta refere-se ao seguinte texto publicitário:

As lacunas I e II devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, por
41: D
42: B
43: D
44: E
45: A