Questões Militares de Inglês - Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective

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Q655515 Inglês
“their and themselves”, underlined in the text, are respectively
Q633589 Inglês

Based on the text below, answer the question.

Facebook deserted by millions of users in biggest markets 

Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest markets. In the last six months, Facebook has lost nearly 9m monthly visitors in the US and 2m in the UK. Studies suggest that its expansion in the US, UK and other major European countries has peaked. In the last month, the world's largest social network has lost 6m US visitors, a 4% fall, according to analysis firm Socialbakers. In the UK, 1.4m fewer users visited in March, a fali of 4.5%. Users are also turning off in Canada, Spain, France, Germany and Japan, where Facebook is extremely popular. 

Alternative social networks have seen surges in popularity with younger people. Instagram, the photo-sharing site, got 30m new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the business. Path, the mobile phone-based social network founded by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, which only allows its users to have 150 friends, is gaining 1m users a week. 

Facebook is still growing fast in South America. Monthly visitors in Brazil were up to 6% in the last month to 70m, according to Socialbakers, whose Information is used by Facebook advertisers. India has seen a 4% rise to 64m - still only a fraction of the country's population, so there is room for more growth. 

As Facebook itself has warned, the time spent on its pages from those sitting in front of personal computers is decreasing fast because people now prefer to use their smartphones and tablets. Although smartphone minutes have doubled in a year, to 69 a month, that growth may not compensate for dwindling desktop usage. 

Facebook will tell investors about its performance for the quarter. Wall Street expects revenues of about $1.44bn, an increase from $1.06bn a year ago. Shareholders will want to know how fast the number of mobile Facebook users is growing, and whether advertising revenues are increasing at the same rate. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has created a series of new initiatives designed to appeal to smartphone users. One initiative, Facebook Home, is software that can be downloaded onto Android phones to feed news and photos from friends - and advertising - directly to the owner's locked home screen.

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In the extract: [...] which only allows its users to have 150 friends [...]", the pronoun "its" refers to:
Q633229 Inglês
               Genetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons. 
      Genetically modified foods (GMs)are becoming increasingly coirtmon in many countries. However, before one opts for any of these foods, it is very important to know about their pros and cons.
           There are a variety of reasons for developing GMs. For instance, some foods are genetically modified to prevent the occurrence of allergies after consumption, while some are developed to improve their shelf life.
            Though the seeds of GMs are quite expensive, their cost of production is said to be lesser than that of the traditional crops for these foods do have natural resistance towards damaging pests and insects. This reduces the necessity of exposing crops to hazardous Chemicals. It is also said that GMs grow faster. Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population with more food. At times, GMs crops can be grown at places with unfavorable climatic conditions whereas a normal crop can grow only in specific season or under some favorable climatic conditions.
            The biggest threat caused by GMs is that they can have harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that they can cause diseases which are immune to antibiotics. Moreover, according to some experts, people who consume such foods have high chances of developing câncer. Besides, not much is known about their long-term effects on human beings.
            In many countries, manufacturers do not mention on the labei that foods are genetically modified because they think that this would affect their business. However, this is not a good practice as consumers do not get the chance to decide whether they should really opt for these foods, Experts are of the opinion that with the increase of genetically modified foods, developing countries would start depending more on industrial countries because it is likely that the food production would be controlled by them in the time to come.

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Which alternat:ive below is INCORRECT, basied on the above?
Q616986 Inglês
Children experience basic training and mock deployment

    The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what military members endure from basic training to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming party.
  “The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity for military kids.”
   A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face.
    After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned about the importance of radio communications while on a deployment.
   The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.
   At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home.
   “This event was great,” said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what their parents do when they are separated from them during deployments.”

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In the sentence “During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way." (paragraph 5), the words their and who respectively refer to
Q615838 Inglês
  Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours and militant culture

      Chengdu, China (CNN) — Miss Chen (we changed her name for this story), an 18-year-old student from a village outside of the southern megacity of Chongqing, is one of more than one million factory workers at a Chinese company that helps manufacture products for Apple Inc.'s lucrative global empire, which ranked in a record $46.3 billion in sales last quarter. They work day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at company facilities, as they help build electronics products for Apple and many other global brand names, such as Amazon's Kindle and Microsoft's Xbox.

      As a poor college student with no work experience, looking for a job in China's competitive market is an uphill battle. So when Chen was offered a one-month position at Foxconn with promises of great benefits and little overtime, she jumped at the chance. But when she started working, she found out that only senior employees got such benefits.

      “During my first day of work, an older worker said to me, 'Why did you come to Foxconn? Think about it again and leave right now'," said Chen, who plans to return to her studies at a Chongqing university soon.

      Foxconn recently released a statement defending its corporate practices, stating its employees are entitled to numerous benefits including access to health care and opportunities for promotions and training. In response to questions from CNN, Apple also released a statement: “We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. We insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made. Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if they want to keep doing business with Apple."

      After three weeks of applying more than 4,000 stickers a day onto iPad screens by hand and working 60 hours a week in an assembly line, Chen says she's ready to go back to school and study hard so she'll never have to return to Foxconn. “It's so boring, I can't bear it anymore. Everyday is like: I get off from work and I go to bed. I get up in the morning, and I go to work. It is my daily routine and I almost feel like an animal," said Miss Chen. When asked why humans do machine-like work at Foxconn, she responds, “Well, humans are cheaper."

                                          Adaptado de, consulta em 06/02/2012
In the sentence “Foxconn recently released a statement defending its corporate practices...", the word its refers to
31: D
32: B
33: E
34: C
35: B