Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2009 para Sargento da Aeronáutica , Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 2)

Foram encontradas 4 questões

Q666841 Inglês
In “... so that they can be avoided by climbing, descending, or flying around them.”, (lines 14 and 15), the conjunction “so that” introduces an idea of
Q666852 Inglês
Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, respectively
Q666855 Inglês

Choose the best answer to have these proverbs completed.

1- Never judge a book by its _____ .

2- Take care of the pence and the _____ will take care of themselves.

3- Don’t count your chickens before they are _____.

4- Never look a gift horse in the _____.

5- Don’t put all your _____ in one basket.

Q666856 Inglês

Match the proverbs (1-5) in question 49 above with these explanations:

( ) Don’t antecipate the future before it happens.

( ) Accept a present graciously and gratefully, without criticizing the present or giver.

( ) Don’t invest all your efforts, or attention, in just one thing.

( ) Don’t judge people or things by their outward appearance.

( ) Take care of small sums of money and they will become large sums.

1: C
2: C
3: D
4: A