Questões de Concurso Militar AFA 2018 para Aspirante da Aeronáutica (Intendente)

Foram encontradas 14 questões

Q912154 Inglês
In the sentence “when gritty details repulse us [...]” (line 98), the underlined word means 
Q912155 Inglês

Read the statements below and mark the option that contains the correct ones according to the text.

I. Vulnerable people may have their self-esteem affected.

II. Everybody is infatuated with antagonists.

III. In a psychological perspective, antiheroes aren’t despised at all by the public.

IV. The author reminds us that funny writers created supervillains stories.

V. We have cherished defeated heroes and victorious antiheroes.

Q912156 Inglês
One of the statements below LACKS the content of the text. Mark it.
Q912157 Inglês
The author concludes that
9: C
10: B
11: B
12: C