Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2017 para Aspirante - 2ª Dia

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q839210 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete this paragraph.

Pamela is absolutely dedicated to work. She is a doctor and director of a university department where she has ______ a lot of research on anesthesiology. She has also ______ grants from federal and private organizations and has______ her projects all over the world to be presented at professional meetings.

Q839211 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

A change of habits

In recent years, dairy milk alternatives made from almonds, soy, cashews and coconuts ______ in popularity. Many people consider them more nutritious than cow's milk. Some people _______ them because they have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Others choose them for environmental reasons or because they want a vegan diet. Some just like the taste. Cow’s m ilk______once one of America’s most iconic beverages. But now Americans ______ less of it.

(Adapted from https ://

Q839212 Inglês

Read some rules for voting in Brazil.

- The minimum legal age for voting is 16.

- Voting is compulsory for all literate citizens over 18 and under 70.

- Voting is optional for citizens who are older than 70 or are illiterate.

Based on the information above, choose the correct option.

Q839213 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Abandoned dog now works at a petrol station

Buying petrol is generally a trivial activity. You fill______ your car, head into the shop, possibly pick______a KitKat or motoring atlas, pay the cashier then set______for your destination. Wouldn't the whole process be more enjoyable if there was a dog to brighten up your visit?

(Adapted from http ://www,telegraph,

Q839214 Inglês

Which of the options completes the dialogue correctly?

The Linden Tree

Mrs Linden: (...) You’d like some tea,,______you, Rex? Rex: A cup, certainly.

Jean: And______ Marion and I.

(Priestley, J.B. “The Linden Tree". An inspector calls and other plays.UK: Penguin, 2001.)

11: E
12: B
13: D
14: D
15: B