Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2018 para Aspirante - 2ª Dia

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q937060 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Money and happiness

      While it is true that money can't buy love or happiness, a certain amount is necessary to have a baseline of happiness. Interestingly, from science we learn that for most people the magic number is between $75 - $100K per year. At that point we have enough money not to be struggling between paychecks, and there is a diminishing return on making more money after that. The nice thing is happiness is more about our habits and attitudes that we can control through things like exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, etc. regardless of how ______or how______ money we have. Happiness Is a choice and a process, not a place.

(https ://

Q937061 Inglês
Mark the sentence that is correct
Q937062 Inglês

Which question word completes the dialogue correctly?

Peter:______wasn’t Mary at work yesterday?

Jane: She was ill.

Q937063 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the text below?


Today, this adjective means ‘crammed full with people or things' (the narrow roads are chock-a-block with vehicles).

Chock derives ,_____ , chock-full, a Middle English word______unknown origin meaning “very full’. It rhymes nicely______the block in question, more fully known as a pulley block, part______ a block and tackle. This is a device much used______, boats and elsewhere to make lifting heavy weights less demanding.

(https ://

Q937064 Inglês

Which option completes the sentences below correctly?

I- The faucet is dripping. I need to have it______.

II- We got him ______ us with the first steps of the project.

III- They got the living room ______in pastel colors as they had always wanted.

IV- Instead of buying a new computer, why don’t you have your old one______?

31: A
32: D
33: D
34: E
35: B