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Convicted Brazilian fugitive captured, ending two-week manhunt in US  

Harrisburg: A convicted murderer who escaped from a Pennsylvania jail has been captured with help from a heat-sensing aircraft and a police dog, ending an intense, two-week manhunt that unnerved residents in the Philadelphia suburbs, authorities said. 

Tactical teams surrounded the fugitive, Danelo Cavalcante, at around 8am in a rural area about 50 kilometres west of Philadelphia. As he tried to crawl away, a police dog subdued him and he was forcibly taken into custody, Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens said. 

Cavalcante, who was armed with a rifle that he had stolen from a garage, was taken into custody without further incident. Bivens said he did not have the opportunity to use the firearm. 

Cavalcante broke out of the Chester County Prison two weeks earlier by climbing between two walls that formed a narrow corridor in the jailhouse yard and scrambling onto the roof, according to police. 

“It’s never easy to find someone who doesn’t want to be found in a large area,” Bivens said in response to a question about the extended manhunt during a Wednesday news briefing. 

Disponível em: https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/fugitive-captured-ending-two-week-manhunt-in-us-20230914-p5e4im.html. Acesso em: 15 set. 2023. Adaptado. 

Os filmes de Hollywood muitas vezes abordam uma ampla variedade de questões sociais por meio de suas narrativas, mas às vezes as próprias produções cinematográficas estadunidenses são criticadas pela insensibilidade a esses temas. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a crítica apresentada no texto. 