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Q598907 Inglês
                                     TOP 5 DATING TIPS FOR MEN AND WOMEN

      After interviewing gurus that counsel both men and women on dating, we noticed something that was quite curious. Some of their dating advice was actually gender-neutral and could be applied to both sexes. As we see it, good advice is good advice. Here are the top five dating tips for both men and women:

1. Be open minded.

2. Don't research before a first date. You can “Google them" later.

3. Don't bring baggage. Avoid talking about past relationships.

4. Be honest about yourself. Starting a relationship based on lies is never a good idea.

5. Leave on a high note. Keep things short and sweet. Better to leave the other person wanting more.

                                            <> Acessed on: August 10th, 2014. 

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