Consider these segments and their paraphrase in parentheses...

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Ano: 2018 Banca: PUC - RS Órgão: PUC - RS Prova: PUC - RS - 2018 - PUC - RS - Vestibular - Segundo Dia |
Q1399018 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responder à questão com base no texto. 

Adapted from:

Consider these segments and their paraphrase in parentheses.

I. “the more reading moved online, the less students seemed to understand” (lines 06-08) (the amount of digital texts increased so much that only a small number of students showed understanding)

II. “they were unprepared to address basic problems on-site” (lines 11 and 12) (they were not able to deal with difficulties in the digital world)

III. “all these variables translate into a different reading experience” (lines 35 and 36) (these aspects mean reading online brings about a particular mental operation)

The segment(s) adequately paraphrased in parentheses is/are only
