According to Daniels and Hedegaard (2011/2013), one can say...

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Q1778061 Inglês
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     The discussion of the worldliness of English (…) suggests that it is impossible to separate English from its many contexts, and therefore, that the idea that it might be possible to ‘just teach the language’ - is (…) indefensible. (…) To teach is to be caught up in an array of questions concerning curriculum, educational systems and classroom practices: (1) whose knowledges and cultures are given credence? (2) to what extent does an educational system reproduce social and cultural inequalities? And (3) what understandings of language, culture, education, authority, knowledge or communication do we assume in our teaching?

(PENNYCOOK, A. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Adaptado). 
According to Daniels and Hedegaard (2011/2013), one can say that the greatest challenges for teachers to formulate their actions in classes with students with disabilities would be the